jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

mmm i like this activity but no much, because i feel that it´s not entertaining. However i know that the blog is a good plataform where i learn to write english.

Whatever i laugh with the posts of my friends and this is entertaining.

I dont considerer to do a blog, because i feel that it is not enteresting for me. Actually, i dont know about a blog, and my friends not use a blog, so it would be boring.

I think that the blog it  helped me to improve my english, because with the blog i practice my grammar , although i must practice more, since my english is not perfect and as they say ..."the practice do to the master"

The good things of the blog are that i can develop my english and i can know to my classmates, them pleasures, opinions, ideas.

The bad things is that sometimes i have to write about topics that i dont like, for example technology or expectations, are topics so boring.

mmmm i dont know if i would change something about the blog, because this is a good plataform to learn and to practice english, maybe i would do it more teaching, because  writing and writing is tedious.

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