jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Auto Biography.
Hello, my name is Génesis Barrios Pérez, and this is my blog.
I was born on 22th October 1994 in Talagante, Chile.
I studied all my life in Isla de Maipo, and the last year I started traveling to Santiago because began my studies in the Universidad de Chile. I travel all days from Isla de Maipo to Santiago.
Sometimes I live in mother´s house or grandfather´s house. But most of time I am with my grandfather.
My parents are separated.  My mother is Elia; she works hard for my brother and me. However our relation is not very good. My father is Moisés and I see he little
I have a beautiful brother, his name is Geovanni and he has 24 years old. He study in the Universidad de Santiago de Chile and this year is his fifth year.
I like to learn, and do it reading, watching reports, and listening music. I like question all and to think and to think, I like to imagine, and I love to dream, I feel that I am in other dimension and they are more than simple dreams.
I think my big life project is to improve the world. I have many little cousins and I want that they to grow up in a solidary, respectful, friendly, healthy and emphatic world. And I believe that studying Public Administration I can do big changes.  Nonetheless I try to teach their everyday to be better persons.

1 comentario:

  1. Beautiful story. Well done.

    You travel a long way to University, I hope you don't get too stressed. Listen to good music or podcasts on the bus to help the boredom.

    Have a look at this page :http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=empat%C3%ADa

