jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

mmm i like this activity but no much, because i feel that it´s not entertaining. However i know that the blog is a good plataform where i learn to write english.

Whatever i laugh with the posts of my friends and this is entertaining.

I dont considerer to do a blog, because i feel that it is not enteresting for me. Actually, i dont know about a blog, and my friends not use a blog, so it would be boring.

I think that the blog it  helped me to improve my english, because with the blog i practice my grammar , although i must practice more, since my english is not perfect and as they say ..."the practice do to the master"

The good things of the blog are that i can develop my english and i can know to my classmates, them pleasures, opinions, ideas.

The bad things is that sometimes i have to write about topics that i dont like, for example technology or expectations, are topics so boring.

mmmm i dont know if i would change something about the blog, because this is a good plataform to learn and to practice english, maybe i would do it more teaching, because  writing and writing is tedious.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Hello everybody! Today i will write about my country; Chile.

mmmmm i dont know where to begin..Actually i dont feel adherence for my country, but i feel that it would be the same to any other country because i dont like "patriotism". I like the people, the working-class, people modest, grateful, funny, supportive.
Chile is a country very unequal, where here are the rich people, and there are the poor people.
There is much inequality in education, health, dwelling, and many others rights.

However, i live in Chile since i was born. I live in Isla de Maipo, it´s a small town, very nice and quiet and i like this.  I like to be Latin American because there are great people in history who have fought for equality.

Chile is a country very beautiful, there are beaches, hills, rivers, lakes, mountains, and the majestic Cordillera de los Andes.

I would like to live Punta Arenas, because is a great city, is very different to Santiago, is beautifull, is clean, is healthier, and quality of live is better, it´s also entertaining on account of there are many places to visit, like Torres del Paine, Fuerte Bulnes, La cueva del Milodón, El Estrecho de Magallanes, Zona Franca and others.

I hope to work in Punta Arenas a couple months  when i finish studying Public Administration :D

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

mmm i love very things, but today i will speak about my friends.

I have two friends from the childhood, Daniela and Valentina. They are persons very important for me. With them  i have lived many things, we were together in the school, but now we are separates because we study in differents universities, however i love them because i know that they always will be for me.
They are great persons in all aspects !

Now, in the university , i have more friends :B . Catalina, Estefany, Evelyn, Paula and Francisca are my friends. All them are very funny and they make me feel very good! They are the best in whole the world !

Also, are Simón and Gabriel, i met  Simón at the beggining the year and he is a great friend for me . Gabriel is strange , but we laugh so much together! I love them so much because i feel that they are true friends <3

I am feeling lucky, because i have wonderfull friends !!!! 
I hope to keep the friendship with all of them ! 
Kisses and Bless bloggers :) 

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

I study six subjtects in this semester . Theory of the Sciences, Administrative Theory, Mathematics, Statistics, English and Constitutional law. 

In this semester i have yoga in the university the mondays and wednesdays.

In my free times i dont do interesting things, because i am in Santiago all day, i go to the university in the morning and i return in the night :c 

I hope that its a good semester and i hope that i pass all my subjets, since the last semester i dont passed all my subjects and i hope to learn so much! the other month are the global tests and i wish the best to my classmates :D 
In this picture we are my grandmother and me. Maybe some time ago this would not have been my favorite photo, but today it´s a picture very special because the last year my grandmother died. I dont remember who took the picture, however i think that it was my mother who took it. We were in Temuco i dont remember the place, but is a river very pretty, only bad thing is ice water :(  This picture is about ten years ago, in the summer. When i was a little girl almost every summer we traveled to Temuco. I like this picture because it remember me to my childhood. I love so much to my grandmother, and i have beautiful memories of her. She thaught me very things, be modest, be grateful, be dedicated, and she showed me that her love was immense. I hope that she is resting, and i know that we will see someday :)